Local Activities II: Spain
Local Activities II have been implemented in Spain in two different venues, both of them in the city of Malaga: the workshops at the Puerta Oscura High School and the visibility activity at Santa Barbara High School.
During the workshops, participants, who were young people, artists and professionals of local organisations, could learn about the history of hip hop and reflect on the situation of migrants. Some of the results were a rap song on the topic of inclusion, a dance to empower and increase the self-esteem of participants and a collective graffiti made by the group, with the support of a graffiti writer, with an inspiring message for an egalitarian and cooperative world. Local and international artists could also share their experiences and how urban art is a tool for inclusion and personal and professional development.
Concerning the visibility activity, we presented the project and we invited participants to learn basic steps of a chorography, giving at the same time inspiring and motivating messages for their future and raising awareness on the inclusion of migrants. Participants enjoyed the activity, asked more information on the Erasmus+ Programme and were very motivated to know more on different topics such as urban art, hip hop, discriminations suffered by migrants, situations of other countries of the world like Guatemala and Togo, etc.