Job ShadowingMobility of Youth Workers

Job Shadowing: Claudio (Flowreal)

In the frame­work of this project, one pro­fes­sion­al from the Ital­ian organ­i­sa­tion Espres­sione Hip Hop went to Togo for an obser­va­tion peri­od of 10 days with the main aim of learn­ing and know­ing in situ the work­ing method­ol­o­gy, activ­i­ties and best prac­tices of Sol’Oeil d’Afrik, as well as pro­vid­ing and con­tribut­ing with his ideas and suggestions.

‑Work­ing process and activ­i­ties of Sol’oeil d’Afrik;
‑Break­ing work­shops and oth­er dance activ­i­ties for local population;
‑Meet­ings and exchanges with local artists and groups;
‑Cul­tur­al vis­its and knowl­edge about Togo and Lomé.

‑More aware­ness of a new and very dif­fer­ent real­i­ty and abil­i­ty to adapt to it;
‑More knowl­edge on the sit­u­a­tion of Togo, includ­ing the laws, rules and habits of local population;
‑Learn­ing basic steps of oth­er types of dance out of my com­fort zone.

I feel I have grown artis­ti­cal­ly and spir­i­tu­al­ly. See­ing such a dif­fer­ent world so close­ly made me real­izes how impor­tant it is to do some­thing for oth­ers and help them… I will nev­er for­get this experience