Local Activities II

Local Activities II

Dur­ing the Train­ing Course held in Mala­ga, par­tic­i­pants were pro­vid­ed with the nec­es­sary tools and knowl­edge to design the work­shops they had to imple­ment in the frame­work of Local Activ­i­ties II, togeth­er with a vis­i­bil­i­ty activ­i­ty. Dur­ing the Train­ing they cre­at­ed three work­shops, but just two of them have to be put into prac­tice in each project coun­try. Some adap­ta­tions accord­ing to each con­text are acceptable.

The main objec­tives of Local Activ­i­ties II are:
‑To put the acquired knowl­edge and com­pe­tences of par­tic­i­pants into practice;
‑To share and mul­ti­ply the knowl­edge with oth­er urban artists, youth work­ers, edu­ca­tors, migrants and young people;
‑To raise the aware­ness of local pop­u­la­tion on migrant inclu­sion and the use of urban art as a socio-edu­ca­tion­al tool;
‑To give vis­i­bil­i­ty to the project “Urban Art for Inclu­sion” and the Eras­mus+ Pro­gramme of the Euro­pean Union among local population.

In the final e‑Book of our project, you are going to find the method­olog­i­cal sheets of the work­shops:

All for One and One for All:
-Pur­pose: to cre­ate empa­thy and under­stand­ing of migrant sit­u­a­tions through dance;
-Learn­ing Objec­tives:
a) To devel­op the skills for being a good listener;
b) To facil­i­tate the under­stand­ing of Social and Emo­tion­al lev­el between the mem­bers of the group;
c) To improve self-con­fi­dence of the par­tic­i­pants and the impor­tance of their par­tic­i­pa­tion as a mem­ber of a group.
a) Ice-break­ing game: Picnic;
b) Dance workshop;
c) Cypher (Cir­cel);
d) Freeze game (The­atre game) and its evaluation;
e) How to be a bet­ter lis­ten­er (instruc­tion­al learning);
f) Evaluation.

All around the World:
-Pur­pose: to include migrant kids between the ages of 5 and 17 years old into urban art;
-Learn­ing Objec­tives:
a) To allow migrant to learn about their own cul­tures and lan­guage, as well as the cul­ture and lan­guage of oth­er kids in the workshop;
b) To learn how to express them­selves through grafit­ti art;
c) To learn how to under­stand musicality;
d) To learn how to express their feel­ings through move­ment and dance;
To help kids from around the world build skills, self-esteem, con­fi­dence and life-long friendships.
a) Ice-break­ing game: Haku­na Mata­ta and pre­sen­ta­tion of participants;
b) Divi­sion of the groups and expla­na­tion: three activ­i­ties and every third min­utes each group will rotate to allow them to par­tic­i­pate in all three activities;
c) First activ­i­ty: Graffiti;
d) Sec­ond activ­i­ty: Music;
e) Third activ­i­ty: Movement-Dance;
f) Evaluation.

Migrants’ Words:
-Pur­pose: to use par­tic­i­pants lan­guage to cre­ate a rap song;
-Learn­ing Objec­tives:
a) To learn and use words of each country
b) To improve empa­thy through acknowl­edge­ment of com­mu­nica­tive pow­er of the language;
c) To use the Hip Hop cul­ture to under­stand how pow­er­ful is to unite cultures.
a) Ice-break­ing game: cypher or Tut­ti Frutti;
b) Expla­na­tion on the facts that putting for­eign lan­guages into your native lan­guage and hav­ing dif­fer­ent peo­ple in your coun­try can sup­port go going beyond your lim­its and it makes every­one stronger;
c) Explaina­tion on migration;
d) Cypher of words;
e) Col­lec­tion of the words;
f) Cre­ation of the rap song;
g) Per­for­mance of the rap song;
h) Evaluation.